With more than 10 million people listening every week in the UK alone, podcasts are more popular than ever before. The good thing is, they can be about practically anything… from current affairs to technology, the environment to sport, comedy to crime. And the other good thing is, there are a few simple steps to take to get started. But before you do anything, it’s worth asking yourself a few questions first.
What (and who) is your podcast for?
Let’s start with the obvious. Why do you want to make a podcast? Is it for business or pleasure? If it’s for business (or even if it isn’t) it’s important to know who your audience is. It’s also important to know what you are actually wanting to communicate to them – and how you want them to respond.
Do you already need an audience to start a podcast?
This is a really good question. After all, if you haven’t got any listeners in the first place, how are you going to be able to attract them?!
It’s a good idea thinking about whether or not you already have an audience built around something other than your podcast. If you’re a business or a brand for example, you will already have customers who buy your product and follow you on social media. In this instance, it’s worth reaching out to them and finding out more about what (if any) podcasts they currently listen to.
If you have no pre-existing audience on the other hand, it can feel a little daunting broadcasting to no one – and waiting for your listenership to evolve and grow. But don’t be disheartened. After all, many potential new listeners don’t actually care whether or not they’ve heard of you. In fact, it’s the least important thing they consider when deciding whether or not to listen to you!
What is their reason to listen?
This is possibly the most important question of all. After all, if they have no reason to tune in, then you won’t retain an audience (or even have one to begin with!) Think about what people want to get out of your podcast (or any podcast for that matter). Are you helping them lose weight or manage their finances better? Are you giving them insight into a hot topic or telling them things they couldn’t hear anywhere else? Or perhaps you’re just entertaining them and enhancing their day for an hour two or three times a week?
It’s a good idea to write down 10 – 15 potential podcast episodes that you think your target audience would really love to listen to. If you can do that, chances are you might have a podcast that will engage, inform and / or entertain.
What are you going to call it?
Got a snappy name for your podcast? That’s great – but perhaps not so great too! Don’t forget, people need to be able to actually find your podcast when they are searching for information about the thing you are podcasting about. By all means go for a catchy name but remember to incorporate a description into the title too. After all, there’s no point producing great content if no one can find it!
How long should an episode be?
There is no simple answer to this. In fact, podcast length depends solely on content. If you asked most podcast listeners, a ‘short’ podcast would probably be anything that’s 15 minutes or less, whilst a ‘long’ podcast would probably be anything that is 60 minutes or more.
How often should you release new episodes?
Again, there is no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ answer. It’s always best to launch with more than one episode as listeners can then listen at their leisure and not have to wait a week for a new one to come out. But to put it simply, the best schedule is normally the most frequent one you can stick to, on a regular basis.
What is the best way to record your podcast?
There are many options when it comes to the process of actually recording. But for professional results that will get you really noticed, it’s worth checking out Hertfordshire’s newest podcast studio.
Located in Harpenden (near the M1 and Luton Airport), the Herts Podcast Studio features the latest, high-tech audio equipment in a smart, professional working space. Whatever you need, consider it covered, with state-of-the-art facilities and an experienced team unparalleled outside of London.
The Herts Podcast Studio is ready and waiting to go right now in an environment that’s safe, secure and Covid-free. (Plus, at the Herts Podcast Studio it’s not just about podcasts either. From voiceovers and sound design to audio books and more, they can help with all aspects of recorded sound.)
Three packages, one place to choose
Our selection of packages are tailored to suit your needs. Whether you’re looking for a standard recording session or a full podcast series with bespoke cover artwork and intro sound track, we’ve got it covered. Our dedicated team of producers and audio engineers will manage everything for you. From pre-record set-up to final edit, we’re here to help you every step of the way.
Book the Herts Podcast Studio now!
You’ve read about the ‘how’ and the ‘where’. Now it’s time to take things further. The Herts Podcast Studio have the expertise to help you every step of the way, from initial strategy and idea generation, through to recording and editing, and even promotion. Our state-of-the-art facilities and team of podcasting pros will make your podcast sound better than ever and help you build a loyal base of listeners too.
Want to find out more? Check out our website or contact us on contact@hertspodcaststudio.co.uk
The Herts Podcast Studio: where sounds works.
Source: https://www.thepodcasthost.com/promotion/podcast-discoverability/